Google is funding “an artificial intelligence for data science”


Google is funding a project called Automatic Statistician that bills itself as “an artificial intelligence for data science,” it announced Tuesday. The project, which comes out of the University of Cambridge and is still in its early stages, aims to automate the selection, building and explanation of machine learning models.

In a nutshell, Automatic Statistician works by looking at a dataset and then determining which type of model would be best for analyzing it as well as which features, or variables, are the strongest. After the model runs, Automatic Statistician will return a text report explaining its findings in plain English — or as close as you can get when dealing with statistics.

A snippet of an Automatic Statistician report on unemployment data. A snippet of an Automatic Statistician report on unemployment data.

The project’s homepage quotes Google research scientist Kevin Murphy, who also wrote the blog post announcing Google’s funding for it, explaining the promise of Automatic Statistician like this:

[blockquote person=”” attribution=””]The…

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